DirectX 9 - DirectX Tutorials You'll need these before beginning this tutorial: 1. Visual Studio 2010 or later 2. The DirectX SDK June 2010 3. A basic knowledge of C++ 4. A burning desire to ...
[C++ DirectX 9] Tutorial 1: Win32/DirectX Wrapper Class ... In this video, I cover the Direct3D initialization and I show how to render a 3D geometric primitive. Please enjoy ...
[C++ DirectX 9] Tutorial 0: Creating a basic Win32 Window ... In the first video of the tutorial series we cover how to create a Window using c++ and the Windows API. It is ...
DirectX 9 for C++ - Riemer's XNA Tutorials Welcome to the C++ part of this DirectX Tutorial. Although C++ is not the recommended language for beginners, it is often the language of choice when working ...
Drunken Hyena : DirectX 9 Tutorials - C++ - Initializing ... LPDIRECT3D9 is just a typedef, which is a pointer to an IDirect3D9 object. All of the DirectX objects have typedefs which are in all-caps and preceded by "LP".